Top 7 Habits of Highly Effective SEO

Top 7 Habits of Highly Effective SEO

When I started my professional career (selling advertising), one of the most influential books that I read at the time was “7 Habits of Highly Effective People“, by Stephen Covey.

It’s not much of an over-statement to say that this book changed my life.

What’s interesting to me is how many of the tenets that Mr. Covey conveyed in this book hold true in many facets of my life, and specifically with digital marketing and search engine optimization (SEO).

I speak to many prospects for SEO services, every day. Some of these believe that SEO is a one-and-done affair.

While I find instances where companies could see some solid gains by simply implementing proper title tags and correcting a few things, more often than not, proper SEO efforts need to be worked on a regular basis to realize the types of gains that can deliver really solid, long-lasting and “optimized” (optimal) results.

Every SEO company will have its own processes for performing SEO, and I’m not suggesting that what follows covers everything that goes into an ongoing SEO effort, but the key ingredients are here.

*Note: items in italics come directly from Stephen Covey’s website.

Habit 1: Be Proactive

Instead of reacting to or worrying about conditions over which they have little or no control, proactive people focus their time and energy on things they can control. The problems, challenges, and opportunities we face fall into two areas–Circle of Concern and Circle of Influence.

Proactive people focus their efforts on their Circle of Influence. They work on the things they can do something about: health, children, problems at work. Reactive people focus their efforts in the Circle of Concern–things over which they have little or no control: the national debt, terrorism, the weather. Gaining an awareness of the areas in which we expend our energies in is a giant step in becoming proactive.

In our world, being proactive means you can’t chase an algorithm.

What we can focus on are those things that we can control, which is develop a sound web presence that the search engines “should want to” rank – one that:

There are many things that are within our circle of influence, such as:

  • Selecting the right keywords to target.
  • Building quality websites.
  • Making sure that content is crawlable/indexable.
  • Developing sitemaps.
  • Maintaining clean code.
  • Promoting content.
  • Distributing press releases.

While we must be aware, and understand, things like Google Panda/Penguin and other major changes in the algorithms, if we focus on doing “good marketing”, all other things should fall in line, and major algorithm changes shouldn’t be a concern.

You want to try to build a company’s web presence that the search engines should want to rank. Perhaps, that way, you aren’t reacting to algorithms but actually working “ahead” of any algorithm changes.

Habit 2: Begin with the End in Mind

So, what do you want to be when you grow up? That question may appear a little trite, but think about it for a moment. Are you–right now–who you want to be, what you dreamed you’d be, doing what you always wanted to do? Be honest. Sometimes people find themselves achieving victories that are empty–successes that have come at the expense of things that were far more valuable to them. If your ladder is not leaning against the right wall, every step you take gets you to the wrong place faster.

Habit 2 is based on imagination–the ability to envision in your mind what you cannot at present see with your eyes. It is based on the principle that all things are created twice. There is a mental (first) creation, and a physical (second) creation. The physical creation follows the mental, just as a building follows a blueprint. If you don’t make a conscious effort to visualize who you are and what you want in life, then you empower other people and circumstances to shape you and your life by default. It’s about connecting again with your own uniqueness and then defining the personal, moral, and ethical guidelines within which you can most happily express and fulfill yourself. Begin with the End in Mind means to begin each day, task, or project with a clear vision of your desired direction and destination, and then continue by flexing your proactive muscles to make things happen.

I have often asked prospects this very question (“What do you want to be when you grow up?”). Without knowing where you’d like to be, how do you get there? What are the goals?

When I hear “I want to rank for this one specific keyword”, I am very inclined to elect not to work with that company. I’m not about “empty” success.

When I hear “we’d like to grow sales by X” or “we’d like to grow traffic by Y,” then I know that there is potential in an ongoing relationship.

Once we’ve determined that there may be a fit, it is the responsibility of any good SEO to lay out a plan based upon the end goals, and begin the process of developing the necessary steps to achieve the end goal.

Habit 3: Put First Things First

To live a more balanced existence, you have to recognize that not doing everything that comes along is okay. There’s no need to overextend yourself. All it takes is realizing that it’s all right to say no when necessary and then focus on your highest priorities.

Habit 1 says, “You’re in charge. You’re the creator.” Being proactive is about choice. Habit 2 is the first, or mental, creation. Beginning with the End in Mind is about vision. Habit 3 is the second creation, the physical creation. This habit is where Habits 1 and 2 come together. It happens day in and day out, moment-by-moment. It deals with many of the questions addressed in the field of time management. But that’s not all it’s about. Habit 3 is about life management as well–your purpose, values, roles, and priorities. What are “first things?” First things are those things you, personally, find of most worth. If you put first things first, you are organizing and managing time and events according to the personal priorities you established in Habit 2.

Often, when performing a competitive analysis, we find websites that are quite successful (getting a lot of quality organic search traffic for keywords that we’d like to target). When we can identify those top competitors and uncover the reasons why they are successful, we can reverse engineer their success and build a program based upon “best practices”.

When you compare the reasons why a competitor may have more success than you, you can begin to develop a program based upon address those “holes” (deficiencies) and scope out a project plan, accordingly.

If you’re like most, you may not have an unlimited budget and you’ll need to prioritize your efforts. For some, link building may be the most glaring need. For others, a lack of content to support ranking for keywords in the issue.

However you go about getting to the end goal, you must understand the end goal – first – in order to understand the prioritization of steps necessary to be successful.

For SEO programs, most agree upon a common “hierarchy of needs”. As a general rule, this is a good illustration of those (SEO) needs:Google SEO Cleveland Ohio SEO Agencies

Top 20 Essential SEO Tips and Techniques

There is a need to implement basic as well as advanced SEO (or search engine optimization) techniques to achieve desired results when looking to build traffic to your blog or website. It is therefore important that you understand the different SEO tips and techniques you can use to your advantage in bettering your business through online means.

1. Commit to the SEO process

Search engine optimization (SEO) is a long continuous process that requires a lot of dedication and commitment. Search engines change their algorithms often and thus the tactics that worked perfectly last year may not work half as well this year. That being said, you may want to hire a pro to stay on top of things.

2. Patience

You need a lot of patience when dealing with search engine optimization. SEO is not about instant gratification, you might have to wait for months before you record any significant results. This is especially true when you are a small business and new to online business.

3. Know the SEO Company you hire

If you go with an SEO company, you should ask many questions before hiring an SEO company to get the best results. Ask about any risk and go a step further by researching the company and their SEO methods. Not all of these firms are legitimate, and some may do things that could get your page wiped completely from search results.

4. Learn SEO

If you want to do it yourself, then you will have to learn everything involved in search engine optimization. Fortunately for you, the internet has a wide range of information that will be useful to your learning process. There are also printed books that will assist you a great deal in understanding SEO.

5. Have website analytics

It is important to set clear and realistic goals before you start. This will be made easier by having web analytics programs that will track and tell you whether your efforts are working or not. Google Analytics is the standard.

6. Have a great website

Search engine optimization efforts are aimed at taking your website to the top spot, and if you don’t have a great site, it probably won’t stay there long. Improve your website if you think it is not among the top ten best sites in your line of operation.

7. Site map

Search engine spiders will not index a website that they cannot crawl. The site map will go a long way in helping search engine spiders find all the important pages in your website; this great for indexing. Make sure you limit your site map pages to less than 100 links, to be on the safe side, make them 75 links for each.

8. SEO-Friendly URLs

Use your main keywords in your URLs, but take care not to overdo it. Files with more than three hyphens look spammy, and fewer users will click on them. You should, however, use hyphens in file names and URLs and not underscores as the former are treated as spaces.

9. Keyword research

Keyword research is very important at the start of any search engine optimization project. There are paid researches and you can use one if your budget is not all that tight. The numbers in these tools should be avoided as what really matters is the relative volume of a keyword to another.

10. PPC account

The best way to getting actual search volume is through PPC accounts. This process might cost money but if you have the budget, it is a process worth the investment. If you do not want to wait ages for natural results of your Search Engine Optimization efforts, then this is a good option to speed up the process by bringing in “visitors.”

11. Unique meta description and title in every page

Page title is a very important factor in on-page SEO. You cannot easily rank highly for a term that is not part of your page’s title. Meta tags are not used by search engines in rankings, but they will encourage users to click on your listing, which is also important as you also need the traffic to get ranked highly.

12. Put your users first

Though the SEO efforts are aimed at pleasing search engines, remember that the spiders will just crawl your pages and not buy a product or sign up for anything. You should first write interesting and informative content for your target audience. You need keywords in your text but this does not mean stuffing them in the content. Keep your content readable.

13. Unique content

If you are in the retailer category, you will need unique descriptions for all your products. The descriptions should incorporate the keywords you earlier researched so as to get an edge over your competitors.

14. Keywords should be used as anchor text

Spiders get to know what the linked page is about through anchor text. This means that any link that only says “click here” will not assist in search engine visibility.

15. Intelligently built links

Start with foundational links such as trusted directories. Seek links that belong to authority sites in your line of business. If you treasure local searches, seek links from sites in your geographical areas making sure that they are trusted. Do constructive analysis of inbound links to your competitors to determine links that can be acquired. Create great unique content continuously and use social media to popularize links.

16. Press release

You can get great exposure by simply developing a good relationship with media covering your line of business, and this is especially handy if you want to get links from trusted media sites. Only have press releases when you have information that is newsworthy, as this is a great way to open new doors of exposure.  If you put out a release for everything, you are being spammy.

17. Start a blog

Search engines are in love with blogs because of the highly unique, fresh content along with highly-structured data. This is therefore a great way to get a better ranking on SERP (search engine result pages). You should be active in your blog and discuss issues pertinent to your business. People are also attracted to the content in the blog, and you can use it to popularize your links and increase website traffic.

18. Use social Media Marketing

Social media is a powerful marketing tool and should not be ignored in search engine optimization efforts. A lot of people use social media to communicate and search for businesses and products. Create an interesting profile and market your links using unique and informative content. Post your links and with time you will be getting increased traffic and search engines will make the necessary rank adjustments.

19. Study your direct competitor’s SEO efforts

If your competitor is sitting at the top spot on SERP, there are SEO reasons behind this. Analyze their efforts and use what you think will take you higher in terms of search engine ranking. Keep in mind, however, that what might work for another website might not work as effectively for you.

20. Local listings

Signing up for Yahoo and Google listings will go a long way into beating your competitors. Local searches come with a map, and you should get into this map for more exposure. Have your clients rate your services on the listings so that you can stand out. Not a lot of people do this and this will be beneficial to your website in search engine optimization issues.

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Survey Shows SEO Still Among the Most Important Aspects of the Virtual World

Perth, Western Australia (PRWEB) May 24, 2012

Oracle Digital, the leading Digital marketing company in Perth, has announced that it will be engaging in stringent SEO methods to help current and prospective clients have more success in the virtual realm.

This move by the company is in connection with the B2B E-Commerce Survey by Oracle Corporation, showing that those engaging in E-commerce still consider SEO to be among the top priorities when it comes to transactions and endeavours using the online platform.

The respondents for the survey are professionals who belong to different businesses and technical teams respectively, they were made to answer questions as to which online tools they found to be fundamental with regard to the strategies that they needed to utilise for their online businesses.

According to respondents, among the most important aspects of online transactions that affect revenues are personalisation, online catalogue, and search engine optimisation – having percentages of 69%, 64% and 58%, respectively. Mobile strategies have also come into the fray, having jumped from a 5% showing in 2011 to 35% for the year 2012.

The same survey has also shown that E-commerce businesses are planning to invest further in more extensive SEO efforts in order to ensure greater profits, with majority of them stating that optimising their search engine results page rankings is among the top areas that they are planning to put their focus on.

Though business analysts and experts believe that with the upsurge of interest in mobile – marketing efforts and strategies must also be directed to it accordingly in order to maximise the full potential that the platform brings as well.

This view is shared by Clint Maher, Oracle Digital’s Director of Operations. He says, “SEO is and always will be a big part of an online business, whatever your niche may be. After all, regardless of how good your site may be, or how excellent your products are – but if you do not have the visibility or web presence to support it, then you will have a big problem.”

Maher then adds, “And with the boom of mobile devices such as the iPhone, the iPad, and other smartphones and PC tablets, using the right SEO tactics has become even more important especially for those who want to reap better results. In order to make this possible, one must always ascertain to seek the assistance of an SEO company that actually knows what to do.”

In a business environment that is constantly growing with fiercer competition and constant innovations, moving along with the use of the proper digital tools and SEO tactics are aspects that should never be taken for granted.

Oracle Digital is the leading SEO company in Perth which provides SEO, reputation management services, social media marketing strategies, web design and other online tools to clients from Adelaide, Brisbane, Melbourne, Perth and Sydney. If you want to know more about the company or their services, do not hesitate to give them a call at 1300 899 851 or you can visit their website at

For the original version on PRWeb visit:

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